
Device in Disarray? How to Manage Files on Your iPhone ...

Apple's Files app lets you view and manage files stored on online services, such as iCloud Drive, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive, ...

File Manager & Browser on the App Store

File Manager is a FREE file manager and virtual USB drive for the iPhone and iPad. Easily view images, audio, videos, PDF documents, Word documents, Excel ...

File Manager App on the App Store

File Manager is the ultimate app to organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on ...

iOS Apps for File Management

Pocket Drive, best File Manager. Free. Transfer your files to your iPhone or iPad and access them anytime, anywhere with Pocket Drive. With a built-in ZIP ...

在App Store 上的「ES File Explorer」

ES File Explorer is a local and network file management tool that can help you manage files easily. 【The main function】. -File management.

在App Store 上的「File Manager App」

File Manager is the ultimate app to organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on ...

在App Store 上的「File Manager Pro App」

File Manager Pro is the best app to download, organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the ...


File Manager是iPhone和iPad的免費文件管理器和虛擬USB驅動器。輕鬆查看圖像,音頻,視頻,PDF文檔,Word文檔,Excel文檔,ZIP / RAR文件等。 特徵. -集成的PDF閱讀器.


Apple'sFilesappletsyouviewandmanagefilesstoredononlineservices,suchasiCloudDrive,Box,Dropbox,GoogleDrive,andMicrosoftOneDrive, ...,FileManagerisaFREEfilemanagerandvirtualUSBdrivefortheiPhoneandiPad.Easilyviewimages,audio,videos,PDFdocuments,Worddocuments,Excel ...,FileManageristheultimateapptoorganizeandviewallyourfilesonyouriPhoneoriPad.ItisliketheWindowsExploreronyourPCortheFinderon ...,Pock...